Why we need to work with robots: The dilemma of Human Machine Integration

Opinionated meat berry
2 min readFeb 16, 2023


Today I saw quite an interesting video by SAAB on Youtube, talking about the Gripen-E and how its fighter jets are extremely well integrated with humans to the point where a squadron is essentially a hivemind of data collection and mission planning.

So I thought to myself, we’ve continuously made the machine part of the equation better, faster, and more robust. Yet I don’t think many of us have realized the importance of integrating these machines with ourselves.

Photo by Berend Verheijen on Unsplash

So how do we interact with computers anyways?

Your keyboard, the touchscreen on your phone, any device you connect with buttons, dials. This has been the extent of what humans have decided is the best way to interact with machines.

This seems like the space with the least amount of development and progression in the computer industry. How have we not found a better way to interact with computers and machines that can decide the fate of the world?

It seems that Brain Computer Interfaces have become so prominently featured in science fiction, and recent scientific research, but even then, how has humanity almost completely ignored the need for a better way of interacting with their own creations?

Photo by Justus Menke on Unsplash

So I wanted to write this short thought provoking article today to ask the reader two equally important questions:

  • Why have we not developed or used a different method of interacting with computers?
  • What did we do instead of improving and optimizing this important facet of computing?

And once again, thanks for reading.

